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Anorakanzug 1943
An M43 Anorakanzug[1]
An M43 Anorakanzug[1]
Type: Parka
Designation: M43 Winteranzug[2]
Place of origin: Nazi Germany
Produced: 1943-1945[3]
Manufacturer(s): Unknown
Material(s): Unknown
Evolved from: Winteranzug 42
Evolved into: Erbsentarn M44
Used by: Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS
Wars: World War II

The Anorakanzug M43 (Windcoat Model 1943) or alternatively Winteranzug (Wintercoat) was a reversible parka of German origin. It was made in only two camouflage patterns; the Splittermuster (Splinter pattern) and also the Sumpfmuster (Marsh pattern - pictured), so it was intended to be used exclusively by Heer (Army) - although the Fallschirmjäger (paratroopers) also used literally the same two mentioned patterns, they, however, formally never used this jacket due to the fact that they had their own Knochensack (jump suit) in the same camouflage. [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]


The Anorakanzug was a modern design jacket for its time, it was made out of reliable, warm and waterproof materials, always featuring a hood with could be tightened using two laces, if necessary. It relied exclusively on knob buttoning and featured only two frontal, lower pockets. As stated in the beginning, it was a reverisble design, so it could be reversed to be worn in different appearance and for such matter, it featured another variant of appearance on the other side, in this case the all-white pattern, which was intended to be worn is winter/snow weather.

It was actually the first camouflage part of Heer uniform, since the mentioned two patterns (Splittertarn and Sumpftarn) were previously used only for Zelthbahn (canvas strip) which was very rarely actually used on field. The Anorakanzug was being produced from 1943, the same year when the mentioned Sumpftarn pattern appeared and continuted until the end of the war, in 1945. However, although receiving the camouflaged jacket, the Heer still did not feature any kind of camouflage trousers nor shirt/blouse (except many field improvistations made by soliders out of existing Zeltbahn, which were mostly only helmet covers) and jacket was, naturally, intended to be worn only in fall/winter, so, in contrast to SS (which indeed had an impressive collection of camouflage patterns and uniforms) and Fallschirmjäger, which always used camouflage pattern on their jump suits (Knochensacks), the Heer units generally remained in their, already ageing, standard service, wool made, non camouflage Feldgrau uniform, almost until the very end of the war - until appearance of Liebermuster M45, which was, however, very rarely distrubuted and slightly used due to appearing too late, just few months before the end of the war in Europe.

Only a year later after its introduction (in 1944), the design of Anorakanzug was borrowed for part of all new SS camouflage pattern, the Erbsentarn M44, which, along with this jacket, consisted of trousers (Keilhosen), (Wendejacke), blouse (Feldbluse) and even jump suit (Knochensack) and was also their first true camouflage combat and service uniform, since all those predecessing patterns were exclusively made only as uniform coveralls, that is, as so-called Tarnjacke M38 and M42 smocks, to be worn above the standard Feldgrau service uniform, approximately like Zelthban for Heer units. As in the original Winteranzug/Anorakanzug, the Erbsentarn Wendejacke was also a reversible design; also featuring the all-white pattern on the other/interior side, however, it was made out of different material (cotton or canvas) and did not feature any kind of lining inside, which is why it was designated only as Wendejacke (reversible jacket).

As for other World War II German uniforms and equipment in general, the given M43 designation in this case is actually only a modern, unofficial designation, given primarly by collectors to more easily differentiate their equipment and sometimes by reenactors as well as Airsoft players for the same reason. The actual (official) German designation was only Anorakanzug or Winteranzug, followed by pattern in which it was printed (Sumpfmuster Winteranzug, as an example).

One interesting fact is that, today, more than seventy years after the end of World War II, the modern Russian army has made copy of Sumpftarn pattern, which was, except Fallschirmjäger for thier Knochensack, also used by Heer on the Anorakanzug M43, along with mentioned Zeltbahn. Moreover, their sole jacket is visibly based on Anorakanzug and their pattern designation is Sumrak (literally; Dusk) and it is currently being used by some Specnaz (special forces). Together with Sumpftarn, they have also made copies of old SS camouflage pattern, the Eichenlaubmuster (Oak leaf pattern), which was used on also mentioned Tarnjacke M42, which they designate as Partizan and which is used on their Gorka coverall suit, also worn primarly by some minor Specnaz as well as reconnaissance units.



In popular culture[]

  • The splinter camo parka is featured in the video game Day of Defeat.
  • The M43 Winteranzug is featured in the video game Company of Heroes. The Sumpfmuster jacket is worn by the Assault Grenadier Heavy Infantry and Tank Buster Heavy Infantry units.
  • The M43 Winteranzug is featured in the video game Battlefield V. It is worn by the Wehrmacht classes in various camo patterns ranging from splinter to fictional WW1 geometric hand painted Stahlhelm camo and fictional blue splinter. Grey Parka sleeves are seen in 1st person when playing as the Axis.
  • The Winteranzug M43 is featured in video game Faces of War (2006) together with its successor, Men of War (2009), where it is being used by German SMG (sub-machine gun) infantry, the Heeres Panzergrenadiere (Mechanized Infantry) in Splittermuster camouflage pattern.

